
Villages in Poland

Paprotki 1.) ws, pow. lipnowski, gm. Brudzen, par. Sobowo, odl. o 30 w. Lipna, ma 3 dm., 17 mk., 7 mr. Wedlug ksiag pobor. ziemi dobrzynskiej z r. 1564 P., w par. Sobowo, nalezaly do Stanislawa i Jana Paprockich, zwanych Lemieszami, ktorzy posiadali 1 lan. Stanisl. Golabek z bratem 1/2 lanu. Tomasz Paprocki 1/2 lan. Placono pboru 24 groszo. (Pawinski Wielkop., I, 277). W 1789 r. wlasnosc Koziebrodzkiego.   Paprotki 1.) village, district of Lipno, township of Brudzen, parish of Sobowo, a distance of 30 wiorsta (about 32 km.) from Lipno has 3 houses, 17 inhabitants and 7 morg (about 8.4 acres). According to the tax register for the territory of Dobrzyn in the year 1564 Paprotki in the parish of Sobowo belonged to Stanislaw and Jan Paprocki, called Lemieszami (plough-shares), who owned 1 field, Stanislaw Golabek 1/2 field, Tomasz Paprocki 1/2 field. They paid a tax of 24 groszy. (Pawinski Wielkop., I, 277). In 1789 it was the property of Koziebrodzki.
2.) P., okolica szlachecka, w pow. rypinskim, gm. Szczutowo, par. Lukomie. Dawniej nalezala so par. Sierpc. Jestto gniazdo Paprockich i kolebka znanego heraldyka i publicaysty XVI w. Bartlomieja Paprockiego. W obrebie tej okolicy mieszcza sie: P. Bialasy dawniej Bielasy, Ws i Folw., odl. o 23 w. od Rypina, ma 13 dm., 74 mk. Wodlug ksiag pbor. z r. 1564 P. Bielassy byly wlasnoscia Mikolaja Paprockiego, majaego 1/2 lana i 2 zagrod. Wies nalezala do par. Sierpc. W 1789 r. wlasnosc Paprockich i Swiecickich; wysiewano 26 kor. zyta. Obccnie folw. P. Bialasy, rozl. w 1877 r. mr. 228; gr. or. i ogr. mr 180, lak mr. 37, pastw. mr. 3, nieuz. 9; bud. mur. 1, z drzewa 4. Ws P. Bialasy os. 75, z gr. mr. 1115. P. Bryski, ws, odl. o 26 w. od Rypina, ma 11 dm., 77 mk., 240 mr. W r. 1564 P. Bryski, w par. Sierpc, byly wlasnoscia Stefana Paprockiego no 1 lanie. Marcin i Mateusz Babeccy mieli 1 lan i 1 zagrod. W 1789 r. wlasnosc Malanowskiego, Dlugoleckiego, Dzierzgowskich, Swierczewskich. Wysiewu bylo 50 korcy zyta. P. Gogoly al. Gogoly, ws, odl. o 23 w. od Rypina, ma 24 dm., 151 mk., 629 mr. W 1564 r. P. Glogoly, w par. Sierpcz, mialy wlascicieli: Andrzeja Paprockiego 1/2 lanu, Barbare Paprockia, (1/2 l. i 1 zagrod.) Piotra Paprockiego (1/2 lanu i 1 zagr.) Piotra Przybyle (1/2 lanu i 2 zagrod.), Pobor wynosil 1 zl. 28 gr. R. 1789 dwie czesci szlacheckie, jedna pojezuicka, 20 korcy zyta wysiewu. Procz powyzszych wsi istnialy jeszcze w XVI w.: P. Klobuki, wlasnosc Jana Paprockiego (pol lanu), Stanisl. Paprockiego (2 lany i 2 zagrod.) Pbor wynosil 1 zl. 13 gr. i P. Ogony, na ktorych Mateusz Paprocki mial 1/2 lanu. (Pawinski Wielkop., I. 302). Br. Ch.   2.) Paprotki, a gentry neighborhood, in the district of Rypin, township of Szczutowo, parish of Lukomie. A long time ago, it belonged to the parish of Sierpc. It was the family home (gniazdo lit. nest) of Paprocki and the birthplace of the famous heraldry and journalist of the XVI century, Bartlomiej Paprocki. In the surrounding area there are: Paprotki Bialasy formerly Bielasy, the village and the farm, a distance of 23 w. from Rypin, has 13 houses, 74 inhabitants. According to the books from 1564 Paprotki Bielasy was owned by Mikolaj Paprocki who had 1/2 field and 2 farmsteads. The village belonged to the parish of Sierpc. In 1789 it was the property of the families Paprocki and Swiecicki; there were 23 bushels of rye sown. The farm Paprotki Bielasy, in 1877 consisted of 228 morg (about 274 acres); cultivated lands and gardens for 180 morg, meadows for 37 morg, pastures for 3 morg, 9 morg of unused property; one building made of stone and 4 made of wood. Paprotki Bryski, village 26 w. from Rypin, had 11 houses, 77 inhabitants, 240 morg. In 1564 Paprotki Bryski, in the parish of Sierpc, was owned by Stefan Paprocki 1 field. Marcin and Mateusz Babeccy had 1 field and 1 farmstead. In 1789 it was owned by Malanowski, Dlugolecki, Dzierzgowski and Swierczewski. There were 50 bushels of rye sown. Paprotki Gogoly or Gógóly, the village placed 23 w. from Rypin has 24 dm, 151 mk, 629 mr. In 1564 P. Gogoly, in parcel Sierpc, had the owners: Andrzej Paprocki - 1/2 field, Barbara Paprocka - 1/2 field and 1 farmhouse, Piotr Paprocki - 1/2 field and 1 farmhouse, Piotr Przybyla - 1/2 field and 2 farmhouses. The levy was 1 zloty and 28 groszy. In 1789 two parts were owned by gentry and one was owned by monks. There were 20 bushels of rye sown. Excepting these villages there was also, in XVI century, P. Klobuki, where the levy was 1 zloty and 13 groszy and P. Ogony, where Mateusz Paprocki had 1/2 field .

Contributed by John D. Lavendoski <> from "Slownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego".
Translation by Michael Paprocki's cousin, John D. Lavendoski and Jim Paprocki.

Please send comments, corrections, suggestions and other information about Paprocki to Jim Paprocki <>.

© Copyright 1998 James N Paprocki. All rights reserved.

Last updated on Tue, 04 Aug 1998.